There’s Still Tomorrow | C’e Ancora Domani
Director | Paola Cortellesi

Presented by RIALTO CHANNEL 39


There’s Still Tomorrow broke box-office records in Italy, beating Barbie and Oppenheimer for excellent reason.

Writer, Director and Actor, Paola Cortellesi blends humour with charm, and drama with social history, creating a small odern-day masterpiece. It’s themes are very contemporary while drawing on the rich wealth of Italian cinematic history.

 2023 | 118 min | Drama, Comedy | Italy | Italian with English subtitles

CAST Paola Cortellesi, Valerio Mastandrea, Romana Maggiora Vergano

All Delia has ever wanted is to be a wife and mother. She lives in Rome in the late 1940s – a city divided between the positive thrust of liberation and the miseries of the war that has just ended – with her husband, Ivano, and their three children. Ivano may be a harsh master; his father even more so. However, Delia has a best friend with whom to share moments of levity, and her daughter is about to get married. She accepts her fate – the good with the bad – until a mysterious letter arrives.

Fun and filled with interesting directorial choices from an extremely clever director matched by a perfect cast: one of the best films of the year in Italian cinema.

Valentina Ariete. Movieplayer

The film - which manages to be both heart-wrenching and uplifting

Elisabetta Povoledo. New York Times

An unashamed, old-fashioned melodrama develops into a more considered tale of small victories on the road to female empowerment

Screen International

The Hollywood Reporter


Film of the Year - Italian National Syndicate of Film Journalists


Special Jury Prize, Audience Award, Best Debut Film - Rome Film Festival

Paola Cortellesi

Cortellesi debuted in the show business at the age of 13, as a singer for "Cacao meravigliao", the jingle of the popular RAI TV show "Indietro tutta!" by Renzo Arbore. At 19 she began studying as an actress at the Teatro Blu in Rome (the same theatre school that Kim Rossi Stuart, Gianmarco Tognazzi, Claudia Gerini, Stefania Rocca, and Claudio Santamaria, among others, have attended). 




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